about Bcn House School

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Every teacher at Bcn House School is a certified teacher with university studies. They all have been trained specifically in teaching Spanish as a foreign language. They are all native speakers and they do have a wide experience in the education sector.

From A1 to C2 as the Common European Framework of reference for languages establishes.

Yes, this is a program based in total immersion. It is proved that using this method the improvement and the whole learning process is quicker and more efficien

For group courses the minimum age is 18 years old. However, we offer the possibility to form a closed group for younger students.

Before starting any course, all students must take an exam in order to be assigned to the right group. With the exception of absolute beginners.

If you think that the level of your course is too easy or too difficult you should talk to your teacher first, who will talk to the coordinators of the school. If they consider that you are not in the right level you will be transferred to another group.

If you attend at least 80% of the lessons of the course, you will get a certificate at the end of it with the level and the hours of the course. This certificate is not an official diploma.

In BCN House School we follow the program of the Common European Framework of reference for languages. Semi- Intensive courses have 5 lessons per week A1 = 5 weeks A2 = 5 weeks B1 = 6 weeks B2 = 6 weeks C1 = 24 weeks C2 = 24 weeks Extensive courses have 2 lessons per week. Students normally need at least 12 weeks to finish a level.

Generally, it is possible to have a pause as long as we have an available group for your level when you decide to come back. You only have to give us a 2 week advance notice.

Yes, you can extend your course at any time (subject to availability). If you want to prolong your course we recommend you to give us notice on a Friday morning at the latest, as the office is closed during the weekend and your request could not be processed until Monday morning.

Of course! That will not be a problem at all. We use ZOOM, a user friendly program in which you only have to click on the link to access the course. If you have any problem we will be here to advise and assist you.

We are sorry, lost lessons cannot be rescheduled as our groups are reduced with limited places. If all your classmates agree on having the lesson recorded, the School would record it and send it to you. Under no circumstances a student would be allowed to record a lesson.

Absolutely not. Lessons would only be recorded upon request and prior consent of every student of the group. In case there is a student who refuses to give consent, the lesson would never be recorded. In addition, it is absolutely forbidden for students to share or distribute any image of the lessons.


about BCN House School courses

Standard courses: Semi- Intensive, extensive, conversation clubs…

The minimum permanence in a course is 4 weeks in order to ensure that courses are always open.

Of course, you can extend your course any time. You can start with 4 weeks and keep adding more weeks as you need them. However, we recommend you to tell us in advance if you are interested in continue doing more weeks to avoid that your group level gets full. If that happens, you might have to wait until a new one opens.

If you need a pause in the middle of your course and you want to continue with it later on you would have to give at least a two week notice. In general, there would be no problem as long as there is a group of level open.

You can indicate your course preferences and that would be taken into account. However, it will depend on the availability of levels and group of people enrolled.

No, the inscription is completely free.

8 students maximum per group (semi – intensive / extensive) Being 5 students the average number. Sometimes there might be up to 9 students per class if someone is having a trial lesson in that level. In the conversation clubs the maximum number of students is 6 per group.

Courses start on Mondays as long as there are at least 3 people enrolled in that level.

Semi- intensive courses: 10:30 to 12:00 (morning group)15:00 to 16:30 (afternoon group) Extensive courses:10:30 to 12:30 (morning group) 14:30 to 16:30 (afternoon group)18:30 to 20:30 (evening group) Monday/ Wednesday or Tuesday / Thursday 10:30 to 12:30 (morning group) on Friday 14:30 to 16:30 (afternoon group) on Friday Conversation Club: 9:00 to 10:00 (morning group)13:00 to 14:00 (afternoon group) 17:00 to 18:00 (evening group)

The student must take a detailed level test. It is not a multi choice type of test, which means teachers would correct it first and then give the mark to you. It is very important that the student takes the exam BEFORE starting the course. Otherwise, the School cannot guarantee the appropriate assignment to the group level.

Don’t worry! You can always talk to the office or the coordinator. They will listen to you and help you to find the best solution.

Our minimum administration fee in a semi-intensive course would depend on the level you want to start. Please, have a look at the courses section. DELE preparation courses would also depend on the level you want to take an exam to. Please, have a look at the DELE section.

Lessons last: 90 minutes in a semi-intensive course. 60 minutes in the conversation club. 120 minutes in the extensive course.

Semi –intensive course: 5 lessons – 7 hours 30 minutes per weekExtensive course: 2 lessons – 4 hours plus 1 lesson of 2 hours on Friday Conversation club: 2 lessons – 2 hours

Of course not! Bcn House School offers a strictly immersive program. That means Spanish will be the only language used in class since day one. Step by step you will acquire the vocabulary and grammar needed to express yourself in Spanish, too.

The Spanish Government provides international certificates through the Cervantes Institute aka Instituto Cervantes. The official certification is validated through the exams of level in the Spanish language called D.E.L.E. “Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera”. These exams are equivalent to IELTS or TOEFL in English. If you need more information about D.E.L.E. you can have a look at the web page of Instituto Cervantes. Bcn House School offers preparation courses to take any level exam of D.E.L.E.


about Bcn House School's other courses

Private lessons, DELE, Conversation Club, +50

The preparation courses for DELE usually start five weeks prior the date of the exam. Please, send us an email if you need further information. You can also visit our information page about DELE exams.

Between 1 and 3 weeks. The duration of the course will depend on the level of Spanish you are preparing for. Please, consult the section about DELE courses to get further information

No, there isn’t. Our students don’t have to pay any extra fee to attend the preparation course for DELE.

Yes, the Conversation Club lessons are available since level A2.


about reservation and payments in Bcn House School

You can book your online course now by clicking the Book now button and following the steps. Once you have received the confirmation of your reservation, we will contact you to complete your enrolment process and send you a test of level if needed to place you in the right group. To ensure that your reservation is effective you must do the fee payment before making the reservation of your course. The full payment must be done through credit card or bank transfer before starting your course. Otherwise, the School does not guarantee a place for you in the course.

The office is open Monday to Friday. Therefore, enrolments and reservations must be done before Friday at 17:00 or they will not be processed until Monday morning.

At the end of your enrolment process we will tell you to do the payment.

Payments can be done through credit or debit card or bank transference. Check our section Pay now for more information.

Once you have received the confirmation of your place and group you will receive the start date at least one week before the course starts.

Don’t worry! You will be given the possibility to save your reservation for a whole year. That way you will be able to do the course when it suits you the best. You could also exchange it for another course or private lessons.In case you choose to cancel your reservation you must notify it through written communication sending an email to info@bcnhouseschool.com. Cancelations received by other means will not be accepted. Remember that once the course has started, reimbursements will not be done. Bur don’t worry, we will always try to find the best option for you.


about technical problems

If you haven’t received the invitation it must be due to one of the following reasons: 1)You sent the reservation during the weekend. Remember that all the course extensions must be done on Friday morning at the latest as the office remains closed during the weekend. Please, contact the administration. 2)The invitation must have reached your junk mail inbox. Check the spam folder on your email. 3)There might have been a technical problem. Please, contact the administration.

Unfortunately missed lessons cannot be recuperated as the courses are limited. You can contact your teacher and ask for a recording of the lesson. Remember that lessons can be recorded only if all the students agree to do so.

In every ZOOM session you will have a chat available to contact your teacher and mention any technical problem. Your teacher will help you to solve it.

Unless you are having a temporary technical problem we are sorry to inform you that it isn’t possible. Students’ cameras must be on the whole session in order to take the biggest profit from your online lessons.